Thursday, November 08, 2007

More is More

I've been finding some of the most amazing Scrapbooking communities and shops lately. I now have a profile here at the Scrap In Style site. So much eye candy there! And the shop!!! *swoon*

I also managed to get some scrapping done even though I have the craft fair this weekend and should be doing that stuff. Oh, well.
Here you go anyhow:

My page fore the IMHO (In My Honest Opinion) challenge here

And some digital silliness (I told you my Harry Potter obsession was bad!)

It's 11:45 here and I'm tired as all heck but I have a raging horrible cough that gets a bazillion times worse if I lie down so I'm afraid to do so. I've had virtually no decent sleep for the past three days so I'm quite exhausted. Just what I need going into my first craft fair. ugh.

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