Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's been rough

I'm sorry I haven't been updating much. Things haven't been the greatest on the home front.
My GF and I broke up. I'm not taking it well. I guess, deep down, I know everything will turn out the way it is supposed to but that never makes it easier. I've been trying to stay busy with Christmas shopping and today I was doing a bit of decorating but it's hard, still.
I'm still looking for work, too. That just means I have even more time to think about things.
I'm going to be putting a lot of my items from my stash up on Etsy soon. Some deco tapes, HEllo Kitty Bento boxes, etc.
I'll try to update again soon.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Christmas Ornaments!

I've been busy making Christmas Ornaments and now they can be your's!

Silent Star Arts

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Just some good things to watch

A lot has been going on in my life lately. Things I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about.
Instead, I've been obsessed with music videos. Here are some beautiful ones for you to watch.
James Blunt - 1973

Kent - 747

Morrissey - Suedehead

Jason Mraz - You And I Both

The Dixie Chicks - Not Ready To Make Nice

Music keeps my faith in humankind from disappearing altogether. If people can still feel and convey emotion like this then there is hope everlasting.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Christmas In November!!

Christmas in November is this weekend! MY FIRST CRAFT FAIR!!! Wish me luck loves!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

More is More

I've been finding some of the most amazing Scrapbooking communities and shops lately. I now have a profile here at the Scrap In Style site. So much eye candy there! And the shop!!! *swoon*

I also managed to get some scrapping done even though I have the craft fair this weekend and should be doing that stuff. Oh, well.
Here you go anyhow:

My page fore the IMHO (In My Honest Opinion) challenge here

And some digital silliness (I told you my Harry Potter obsession was bad!)

It's 11:45 here and I'm tired as all heck but I have a raging horrible cough that gets a bazillion times worse if I lie down so I'm afraid to do so. I've had virtually no decent sleep for the past three days so I'm quite exhausted. Just what I need going into my first craft fair. ugh.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

This is me!

I've decided to join the fun going on over at This Is Me. I'm behind, as per usual. But it will give me plenty of material to keep me busy after the craft fair. I'll catch up! Scout's honour!
I decided to use 6x6 for my journal.
Here is my journal cover:

and some detail. yummo!!

death of a printer

Okay, so it's not really dead exactly. Just out of ink. But right now, when I'm broke and home sick, it may as well be dead. How am I supposed to scrap all my lovely photos of family (including the furry sort) and friends if I cannot get them off my 'puter! Oh, well. I guess I'll have to watch Harry Potter instead.
Night, lovelies.

p.s. keep your fingers and toes crossed for me during my upcoming craft fair! It's this weekend!!! Whoop!

NEW layout! YAY!

That's right! I was up at 5:30am today because I had to take my gf to work and when I got home it was hard to go back to sleep. So, instead, I scrapped a page for my kitty, Sadie.
Sadie is kind of a moody cat. Okay, Sadie is kind of a b#@*h. Yeah. She growls at everyone and everything and has to be the center of attention. She also likes to snatch food right out of your mouth. Yeah, she's a sweetheart! /end sarcasm.
But that doesn't mean she isn't the cutest kitty E.V.A.R.!

as always click for a larger view!

Monday, November 05, 2007

craft fair items

I'm trying to decide whether or not to sell 1" buttons at my craft fair table. I guess it will come down to how much table space I have once I've decided how I'm going to lay everything out.
Here are some buttons I made today:

I also made quite a few more pendants and ornaments. Some of the 1" ones are mirrors on the back.

What do you think?
That Hello Kitty Ladybug one isn't going to the craft fair with me. I accidentally messed it up by putting the back image in sideways. It just says "Hello Kitty" but it's still sideways!!
I'll likely sell it at a discount.