Sunday, April 05, 2009

Carpe Diem

I'm finding big pleasures in the tiniest of things lately. Maybe it's because I've stopped forcing action to please others. I've got to do what is right for ME!
It's a great time to be me. I love my job, I'm making new friends that really share interests with me, I'm making plans and I'm currently shopping for a new(er)car.
Yup! I'm looking to buy a VW Beetle! I'm so psyched! I want it to be black and have less than 70,000 miles on it. So yeah, not NEW exactly but a quality pre-owned vehicle. Seriously, this is huge for me. The newest car I've owned was a 1997 Ford Escort with 126,000 miles on it. I'm just shopping around for the primo deal.

Also, I'm getting prepped for my next tattoo. It's going to be the words "Carpe Diem" on my shoulders. In the front. My boss has a tattoo guy that he is going to talk to about cutting me a deal. It's going to be simple. Just black lettering, not too large. I'm in the process of drawing up the perfect lettering. I can't wait.

and just so this isn't totally a word-filled post, here are some lovelies to peer at:
Here are some recent faves from Flickr. I could not make it through a day w/out flickr.
My creation

1. Asparagus Beef Roll-Ups, 2. Carpe diem, 3. One night at Carpe Diem, 4. Robert S. Leonard, 5. quote/poetry/art book, 6. Andy Samberg, 7. Custom Made LadyBird print - Wizard of Oz theme, 8. под небом....., 9. bedroom, 10. blackboard wall., 11. dog curtains., 12. simple & colorful.

Created with fd's Flickr Toys.