Monday, June 16, 2008

Busy busy beaver!

I have pretty much accepted my status as "worst blogger on the planet". What?! You mean once a month isn't often enough.
Anyway. I finally managed to get some of my recent layouts and projects photographed and edited so that I can SHARE!

So, here you go!
That's a little mini book I made. I've been totally obsessed with mini books but haven't been able to decide which images to put IN the books. So I just have a bunch of blank cute minis lying around.
Here is another I made...same situation:

I also managed to throw in some regular scrapbook pages, too.
I did one for my dad who passed away in 2002. (I miss you Daddy!)

My lovely friend Jessica. This was from our trip to Portland in 2006. Man I miss that city!


That's actually pretty prolific for me. I'm a slow scrapper. I'm still finding my style.
Tonight Jamie works until 11pm. I'd like to tell you I'll be doing something productive but the truth is, I'll likely be watching 2 1/2 Men then Family Guy while vegging out in the living room drinking Dr. Pepper. Mmmmmm Dr. Pepper!

I've been inspired to write lately, too. In fact I'm thinking a zine is in the works! It's been too long.

1 comment:

Jodie said...

i adore your work!!
and that kitty page just makes me smile :D