Sunday, August 09, 2009

directional push

I'm going to be going back to school in a couple of weeks. I'm finally going to move forward with my Photography degree. I have spent countless years complaining about how long it would take all the while not taking ANY classes to get there. Had I been taking just two classes a term I would have been done a long time ago.
So, yes, it is time to get off my duff and get back in the game. I will be taking Digital photography and a sadly needed math course this term as well as a weekend course that is a Field Workshop on the Monterey Peninsula. Basically one long weekend filled with photographers and picture-taking (and the BEACH).
I have been shopping around online for studio lighting. Something simple to start off with. Maybe a couple umbrellas/stands and some strobes. I want to be able to do some higher quality portraits.

Here's a bit of something to look at:
Freak goes to pdx.

Love to you! Hopefully soon I'll be able to move over to my proper photography blog and get everything going in the right direction.

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